Pam started a new job at a "cat only" veterinary clinic. She's been working part-time for just over 3 months. The clinic has now moved to a brand new building and the staff is still getting settled in. It's definitely an improvement with a lot more room to move around in.
Pam also loved the trip to Hawaii with her sisters and Sandra's friends. She learned how to snorkel, ate incredible food, had good drinks and got a great tan. She also enjoyed the spa afternoon with a "hurt so good" deep-tissue massage, which was outdoors in a private hut. She had loads of fun with everyone and especially enjoyed seeing the incredible sunsets. Her two kitties, Star and Jett, were velcro kitties for a few days after she got back. Jett went back to adoring his "Papa Wil" and Star and Pam had lots of bonding time.
Once back in Bend, Pam recently had dinner with friends at the top of Mount Bachelor, which is about 8660 feet. There was a restaurant that recently opened for the summer. They had to take the ski lift (not enclosed type) up there and it was totally incredible. The view was breath taking. Too bad the restaurant and the food was not equally breath taking.
She has planted all kinds of flowers this summer and they survived a late spring hail storm. She's also attempting to also grow 10 foot tall sunflowers, which are doing well so far. The flowers have attracted some big beautiful butterflies and a few humming birds. Let's hope the kitties are too slow to get the humming birds.
Pam hopes to make a trip back to Butte, Montana, in August. A former work friend and her mother-in-law might stop by Bend on their way back to California. As Pam seldom gets Montana visitors, she's hoping they'll be able to make it.